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#FLANFRIDAYS: Upside Down Pineapple! ¡Piña Boca Abajo!


This week’s #FLANFRIDAY is soley inspired by my desire to be back in Hawai’i which I talked about a bit here and here.

The pineapple we picked up in Waikiki’s Chinatown was so incredibly delicious and fabulously juicy that it’s still on the mind. During our stay there, we had chunks for breakfast while sitting on our lanai and being tickled by palm tree breezes. And no afternoon spent exploring Honolulu was planned without having pineapple kept in plastic zip bag for snackage.

We were addicted. Nothing new, but it was on another level.

On my departure day, one prior to my parents, mami was so considerate enough to pack me some slices in a plastic container. We both prayed over the pineapple: That TSA would not rob me of what I was guarding with my dear life.

I’m happy to report I made it fine and unscanned through security. And then I sat down and waited to board when my jeans felt wet. Yeah, the juice spilled and saturated my leather carry-all. Not cute, not fun and not happy. But, I had pineapple to eat during 2- 5 hour legs back to the east coast.

Well, nothing in life is free. Not even happiness and simple pleasures. When we landed at LAX, I realized I had left my beloved plastic container, replete with fresh Hawai’in pineapple, on the plane. Yes.on.the.darn.plane.

How could I be so careless? How was I going to tell my mother her stealth tactics ended up being for naught?

I forced myself to get over it and fine something mediocre to bite on.

Two days later, the entire family was reunited back in D.C. and a main topic of conversation was the pineapple. The great yellow, juicy pineapple. We talked about it as if we’d never had piña. Seriously.

But, my friends, it truly was that good. Not just one pineapple. Every single pineapple we had.

In homage to the abandoned pineapple on the plane, I bring to you a lovely and luscious pineapple flan or flan de piña. This is my first time making this flavor and I’m highly pleased. While caramelizing the sugar, it occurred to me to ‘Americanize’ it a bit and make it an upside down one. I cheated, though. No fresh pineapple here. I went straight to the canned aisle of my local grocery store and bought a can of perfectly shaped rounds. It worked out for the placement on the bottom of the flan pan. 3 rounds sat atop cognac colored caramel.

I poured my custard overtop, closed the lid and let the pressure cooker do its thing.

When I opened the done flan, the pineapple had naturally risen to to the top of the pan (which would be on the bottom once I flipped it). Et voila! The flan was gorgeous. I took an additional round, cut it into cubes and lightly candied them. Those are what you see here as another layer of goodness used to garnish!

Mahalo, Aloha and here’s to another #FLANFRIDAYS!

Enjoy other #FlanFridays!

Pumpkin Spice

“Eat & Tweet” A Flantastic Evening in D.C.

Banana Caramel

Cuban Espresso


Salted Caramel

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

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Don't forget to check out my debut cookbook!

70 thoughts on “#FLANFRIDAYS: Upside Down Pineapple! ¡Piña Boca Abajo!

  1. Goodness. I would die for this right now– probably be a much better way to satisfy my sweet tooth than the crappy starbucks cake I just ate. Drat!

  2. OMG!!! Looks divinely delicious!!! By the way, what camera do you use?, your photos always come out so crystal clear and beautiful!

  3. Norma: Ay, thank you so very much. Readers like you keep me going!

    Lys: Thanks, chica.

    Rosa: Thanks woman. It was deeelish!

    Redmenace: It is sooo divine and will always beat out wack Starbucks! 🙂

    Maria: How lovely you are for your comment. I use a Nikon D500 with various lenses. Still trying to get completely familiar with it. Thanks on that, though!


  5. Sorry I haven’t been around lately but now I am more relaxed waiting for the book to be published. I haven’t made flan before but I love pineapple and I am sure would like it.

  6. chef ese flan .me lo como sin pensar en las calorias .con un flan como ese quien piensa en nada solo comerlo .que lindo esta y como me gusta la pina ,una de mis frutas favoritas .la usare para el dia de accion de gracia .hacer uno y dejar a todos locos diciendo DAME MAS .gracias chef

  7. Hola Bren,dime que puedo hacer para que cuando saque el flan no se me quede pegado casi todo el caramelo en el molde.
    Mil gracias

  8. Pineapple. Great idea! Another one of my favorite fruits next to mango(Did you make a mango flan yet?). I’m happy to hear that your first try with the pineapple flan came out great.

  9. Silvia: que amorosa eres… deveras. me alegro tanto que vengas a leer el blog y que te doy gusto de comer rico!

    Cynthia: Yay! Love that reaction! That’s what I’m here for! 🙂

    Ivy: Stranger! So good to see you! What book? Am I missing something!?! Flan is great. You should try it!

    Vanessa: lil chef! you know you can make this! It’s akin to our countries! 🙂

    Yaime: ay mija. las calorias no se pueden contar ni pensar cuando disfrutando un flan!

    Sheila: ahhhh. tienes que dejar que se enfrie mas tiempo para que el caramelo se haga liquido totalmente… por lomenos 7 horas.

    Deinse: Thanks so much! How kind of you. I finally upgraded to a real camera a few months ago. Makes blogging sooo much more fun!

    Dullah: what?! You haven’t had this?! I have some left! 🙂

  10. Flan de Pin’a? oh, wow, you come up with the most exotic stuff. I’m sure it has to be off the charts. Oh, yeah, Hawaiian pineaple; I would certainly forget about calories! Thank you for sharing a 1001 ways to enjoy flan. 🙂

  11. Yes, flan de piña… que rico queda.. I’m actually eating some right now! I shared some with a friend but saved myself a slice… And it would only be better if it were with Hawai’in pineapple! But this one totally works… who’s counting calories! That is not allowed here! Eat on! Oh and love the tag: 1001 ways to enjoy flan!

  12. Hola Bren, nunca hubiera pensado que el flan tenia que dejarlo tanto tiempo antes de sacarlo del molde, te agradezco que me hayas contestado y me hayas dado la solucion. Perdona la molestia pero por ejemplo en el flan de tequila no se descifrar la medida que das de tequila o si quiero poner otro tipo de licor cuanto seria en gramos o ml,muchas gracias de antemano y felicitaciones por tu blog.
    ME ENCANTA!!!!!

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